When you click on the Templates tab, you are taken to the template table where you can start creating a new Template, Rule, Template group or Message Template. This location is also where all of your already created Templates, Rules, Template Groups and Message Templates can be organized and viewed.
Template Tab Table
Once you have clicked on the Templates tab you can create a Template, Rule, Template groups or Message Template, provided that these are enabled in the Settings tab. These settings can be determined by you, if allowed, or by a Customer Admin within your company.
To learn more about these settings read the following articles on how to allow users to create Message Templates, Template Groups or Rules
Provided that all permissions are enabled, the account holder can create a Template or Rule, Template Group or Message Template by clicking on the green buttons shown below.
Read the following articles to learn how to create Templates, Rules or Message templates.
Dropdown Menu Bar
The dropdown menu bar, located in upper left-hand corner of the body of Templates table, allows you to select specific groups of Templates, Rules, Message Templates or Template groups.
These groups are:
- All Templates: Will display all Templates, Rules and Message Templates, both personal and shared with you.
- Personal Templates and Rules: Will display all of your personal Templates and Rules.
- Personal Message Templates: Will display all of your Personal Message Templates.
- Shared Templates and Rules: Will display all templates and rules that another user within your company has shared with you. This view does not show Templates or Rules that you have shared with other users within this company.
- Shared Message Templates: Will display all Message Templates that another user within your company has shared with you. This view does not show Message Templates that you have shared with other users within this company.
- Template Groups: Will display all of your template groups
Column Data
To display or hide more information for a Template or Rule, click on the expander arrow, shown in the magnified circle below.
Template table details:
- Code: The Unique code assigned to this template.
- Name: Name of Template, Rule or Message Template.
- Description: Template or Rule description.
- Type: Template type (Template, Rule, Template group, Message Template)