RSign has made signing a document so simple it's the easiest e-signature platform on the market to use. Here is a step-by-step guide for recipients to sign an RSign signature request.
- Completing the signature request with the Classic signature interface
- Completing the signature request with the New signature interface
Completing the signature request with the Classic signature interface
Invitation email
The signer receives an email from the person initiating the signing request via with the following information:
- The subject specifying it is an Electronic Signature Request
- Message headers: From, To, CC, Envelope ID.
- View & Sign Document button.
- Email body composed by the sender.
Click on the yellow View & Sign Document button to review and complete the request.
Completing the signature request
The link opens in a new browser tab that contains the RSign documents with a checklist of fillable control fields for the signer to complete. These are completed by clicking on the control and filling in or selecting the requested information.
Checklist navigation
- The arrow icon minimizes the checklist to icons only and expands the document size to the full width of the browser.
- The Filter icon allows the signer to filter the fields that need to be completed.
- Green boxes show the fillable control field is complete.
- White boxes show the fillable control field is not complete.
- The asterisk icon (*) indicates the fillable control field is required.
The top toolbar
- The Finish Later button saves the document as is to be completed later. To learn more, please read our article about the Finish Later button.
- The Decline button cancels the transaction and allows the signer to indicate the reason. To learn more, please read our article about the Decline button.
- The Change Signer button allows the signer to change or update the signer’s name and email address. To learn more, please read our article about the Change Signer button.
Note: RSign will log out signers from the document signing page after 20 minutes of inactivity, with a timer appearing and counting down from 20 minutes, beginning in reverse after 5 minutes of inactivity. Signers can keep their session active by engaging with the page (e.g., moving the mouse).
Post-signing experience
If the signer has an RSign account they can download or save the signed document immediately after signing.
Both the sender and signers will then receive an email with instructions on how to obtain the final signed document for their records.
Completing the signature request with the New signature interface
The new user interface provides a modernized look to the signing page, offering an enhanced user experience. Here is a step-by-step guide for recipients to sign an RSign signature request.
Invitation email
The signer receives an email from the person initiating the signing request via with the following information:
- The subject specifying it is an Electronic Signature Request
- Message headers: From, To, CC, Envelope ID.
- View & Sign Document button.
- Email body composed by the sender.
Click on the yellow View & Sign Document button to review and complete the request.
Completing the signature request
The link opens in a new browser tab that contains the RSign document with fillable control fields for the signer to complete. These are completed by clicking on the control and filling in.
Clicking on the menu icon expands the options bar, where the signer will have the option to filter based on fields that need completion or required fields.
- Green boxes show the fillable control field is complete.
- White boxes show the fillable control field is not complete.
- The asterisk icon (*) indicates the fillable control field is required.
After filling in all the fields, click on Finish to complete the transaction. Both the sender and signers will then receive an email with instructions on how to obtain the final signed document for their records.
If the signer prefers not to sign immediately, additional options can be accessed by clicking on the three dots:
- The Finish Later button saves the document as is to be completed later. To learn more, please read our article about the Finish Later button.
- The Decline button cancels the transaction and allows the signer to indicate the reason. To learn more, please read our article about the Decline button.
- The Change Signer button allows the signer to change or update the signer’s name and email address. To learn more, please read our article about the Change Signer button.
Note: RSign will log out signers from the document signing page after 20 minutes of inactivity, with a timer appearing and counting down from 20 minutes, beginning in reverse after 5 minutes of inactivity. Signers can keep their session active by engaging with the page (e.g., moving the mouse).