The Enable CC Options setting within the Advanced settings provides users the ability to specify when the CC recipient should receive notifications.
The CC options can be used when sending new signature requests, as well as when creating new templates or rules. Read the following articles to learn more about creating templates and rules.
This article covers the following topics:
Enabling this setting
This setting is available under the COMPANY and PERSONAL tabs. If you do not see the options described in this article and wish to add them, please contact your RPost Customer Success or Sales representative to enable them.
To enable the option to control when CC recipients should receive notifications, follow these steps:
1. Click on SETTINGS
2. From the left-hand available options, click on the Advanced tab and look for the Enable CC Options setting. There are two values, "Y" and "N". To enable the setting, select the "Y" option.
3. Save your changes.
Using the CC options
When sending a document for signature, users have to fill out the Recipients fields. There are three recipients type options:
- Signer
- CC
- Prefill
When the CC options setting is enabled, a dropdown becomes available in the SEND tab for the sender to control which notifications the CC recipient should receive:
- Unsigned and Signed: The CC recipient will receive a copy of the document when the Signature Request is sent and a copy of the final signed document.
- Unsigned: The CC recipient will only receive a copy of the document when the Signature Request is sent. The final signed document will not be emailed to the CC recipient.
- Signed: The CC recipient will only receive a copy of the final signed document. The copy of the unsigned document, when the Signature Request is sent, will not be emailed.
- Notifications & Signed: The CC recipient is notified when the document is sent for signature and when the signers sign it. A copy of the unsigned and signed documents are emailed.
- Notifications Only: The CC recipient is notified when the document is sent for signature and when the signers sign it, but no copy of the document is emailed.
To view the selected option for the CC recipient in sent envelopes, click on the ENVELOPES tab, look for the corresponding envelope and expand the Envelope Data.