Data breaches often happen when people forward or reply to emails in an unsecure way. RMail provides the ability for recipients of encrypted emails to reply securely, reducing the risk of data breaches.
If you are a recipient of an RMail-encrypted email, reply securely by following the next steps:
1. If you have received a TLS-encrypted email, click on the Click here link located in the email banner.
If you have received a message-level-encrypted email, follow the instructions in the received email to open the attached PDF containing the encrypted message.
Tip: Learn how to create your own decryption password here.
Once you open the PDF, click on the Secure Reply button located in the email banner.
2. A window will pop open to verify your email address.
Note: Only the email recipients will be able to reply securely.
3. For security purposes, you will receive a passcode in your email. Enter the passcode to access the Secure Reply user interface.
4. Compose your email, attach any applicable files, and click on Send Encrypted.