The E-Sign – Send for Signature feature allows the recipient to electronically sign and timestamp an email and each page of attachments entirely by email. This article focuses on the ONE-CLICK option.
E-Sign: One-Click
- The e-sign process is completed entirely within email, with no need for the e-sign recipients to visit any web browsers.
- The recipient’s e-signature is captured with just a click of the mouse in their received email.
To use the One-Click feature, follow these steps:
1. Compose an email
2. Attach any document or multiple documents you would like to have reviewed and signed
3. Click on the Send Registered button
4. In the pop-up feature panel, check the E-Sign box and select the One-click option
5. Click on Send
6. The recipient will receive an email inviting them to sign the document. They simply need to press the Click Here button. A new email composer page will open pre-addressed to route back to the RMail system and back to the sender.
An agreement statement is auto populated in the body of the email together with the phrase “Type your name here” for the signer to add their name as their signature before pressing the SEND button to complete the signing process.
7. The signed document is sent to the sender and the signer containing the entire transaction information and the signer’s agreement.
The attached signed document is returned as a PDF and it is digitally signed to maintain its integrity. The signing time and date is stamped as a watermark on the bottom left corner of all pages and a Signature Certificate is appended to the last page of the document.