This article covers how to send an RSign signature request using Rules. The Rules feature allows users to prepare a document or form as a reusable template where the fillable fields are static, but the added underlying document is dynamic. This feature allows users to save time by preparing the document or form with fillable controls fields set and located on the document only in the non-dynamic locations.
1. Click on the Send tab.
2. Attach a file by pressing the + Document button or by dragging and dropping one onto the white space
The uploaded documents will appear in the ATTACH FILES panel with the file name and document size.
3. Press the + Rule button and select the rule from the pop-up menu and press the green check box.
Note: You can also select the Rule first and then upload a document using the +Documents button.
4. Add the recipients name and email addresses in the correct fields.
5. Modify the subject and email body if applicable and click on Next.
6. Review the document, which should be loaded with the fillable controls fields as set by the Rule. Add or delete any other fillable controls fields as necessary then press Send.
7. After pressing Send, you will then be brought to the ENVELOPES tab where you can view the sent envelope.