In the second step of preparing an RSign document or Template, you can drag and drop Fillable Control Fields onto a document. The borders of the Fillable Control Fields will take on a specified color. This color corresponds to the signer that this field is assigned to. This is so that when your prepare an RSign document you are able to visually assess which fields are assigned to which recipient.
1. When creating an envelope, add two or more recipients.
2. In Step 2/2, when preparing the document, drag and drop a Fillable Control Field and assign it to the first signer. In this example, Jane Doe.
3. Drag and drop another Fillable Control Fields and assign it to the second signer. In this example, Tom Smith.
4. You will notice that the color for the Fillable Control Fields are different for Jane Doe and Tom Smith.
RSign supports up to 25 signers, therefore there can up to 25 different color distinctions on an RSign document. The chosen colors are automatically assigned by RSign.