To set your company up with DKIM while using RMail, please follow these steps:
1. Download the RMail DKIM Request form which is linked below.
2. Complete the “Company Information” portion of the form.
3. Save the PDF and replace [Company Name] with your company’s name.
4. Log into our support center at
5. Press “Submit a Ticket”.
6. Under “Submit a request”, select, “RMail Support”.
7. Select “Other RMail Related Support Topic”.
8. Enter the subject, “DKIM Form - <Your Company Name>”.
9. In the “Description” text box, enter, “Please set DKIM up for my company”.
10. Upload the “RMail DKIM Request” document
11. Press “Submit”.
An RMail support representative will return the completed DKIM form to you once it is complete.