Messages sent using RSign services route through the RSign Cloud for processing and delivery. In rare cases, a sender’s content filtering system may improperly flag an RSign registration, signature request, or post-signing notification email as spam.
In these cases, it is recommended to whitelist the RSign sending and receiving domains and/or IP addresses.
Whitelist Information
If whitelisting is required, please have the network administrator set the following domains and/or IPs as safe senders to ensure proper sender authorization for RSign messages.
Outbound from the RSign Cloud
The following domains and IPs should be whitelisted for RSign messages and receipts that are being improperly filtered, including RSign messages falsely flagged when sent to recipients inside the same company/domain.
NOTE: It is important to use the “*” wildcard before the whitelisted domain, so the noted domain and all subdomains are permitted.
Domains: RSign outbound sending domains.
Outbound IPs: RSign IPs used for sending emails to senders and recipients.
RSign application & API domains
Application & API domains: RSign domains for signing, accessing the signed documents and API calls from customers.
NOTE: It is important to use the “*” wildcard before the whitelisted domain, so the noted domain and all subdomains are permitted.
Additional Information
All RSign signature requests, contracts, and other massagers are sent through the email with the friendly name being listed as the sender. To ensure all RSign emails reach the inbox correctly, please make sure to label as a priority email and, if necessary, use the filters in your email client to send directly to your inbox.
Note: Previous to 13 December 2021, all emails from RSign were sent via Therefore,
1. If you set up your whitelist prior to 13 December 2021 it will need to be updated to include the new email address:
2. If you are searching for RSign related email prior to 13 December 2021 the email address will be
3. For safe measures it may be helpful to make sure the whitelist and safe sender addresses also include the email even though it has been discontinued.
Links to instructions on how to manage filters for common email clients